4 years ago

ok, so. world 5 is still being worked on. i am trying to have a good time with myself. so stay tuned!



Next up

The Redman AI

Redman will come to the fireplace. you have 3 seconds to set up the alarm to scare him and go back to his starting place.

Today's the special day for Vella and Sinar they are finally getting married. the special version is released for everyone! have fun.

A brand new character. Celeste.

AI: She appears in cam 2. when she appears in the office. your oxygen drains a little bit for a small amount of time then she will leave.

First look at the first creature (Didn't have a name for these)


Blam's AI and flumpty's AI is complete!

Blam comes to the right door and

Flumpty comes from the left door.

shut the doors to make them disappear.

404 error not found

The errorer appears as a error message. leave the cursor for too long to leave it alone. or else it will end your life with your demise.

the office is 50 percent complete.

it's not complete without any stuff. so, I might do some toys in the future.

hey guys! sorry bout the long wait. just doing stuff for this game. but new character AI here we come!

twing twang and twung. they appear in your office 1 by 1. set off the alarm to make them go away. not in time will cause them to combine, and jumpscare!

Here's some snippets for the jumpscares i made.

Here's the next new character, the slimeman.

he'll appear in the vent, if he comes close, close the left door, or he'll jumpscare you in the sticky way!