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This is Q39, Why is his name this? Well we dont know, hes from 2100, he also has a huge time traveling device so thats the apparent reason hes here, He is very cubic because he says it helps him defend from the trees.
Optical Cavern
not very friendly penguin
Humphrey and his associates
bob and rick
Back to this game again and made the office
This is armon, Hes the only one of his kind. He walks on his arms because his legs are non existent, Hes used to be man but he found a hole, a very vile hole and some ball tipped him over into the hole, taking him into hell.
Evil game idea: if these two are in the exact same room, they will start a game of jenga, no matter what
This is Purity, he is a being of [REDACTED]
He can [REDACTED] to appear.
He can also [REDACTED] a planet.