Context; the light brown haired boy is a victem to the Shade, Jack(the boy) trusted Shade and in return Shade broke the trust. People who dislike Shade and anyone who sides with them went after the both. Jack got mad and snapped at Shade, because whenever Jack needed Shade for help, Shade sent someone else or didn't do anything and made a lame excuse.
Now Jack being Jack believed Shade was doing that again, not knowing Shade was on their way, worried for Jack.
Info on ocs--
Brown haired boy;
Name: Jack
Age: 17
Personality; Jumps to conclusions, respectful when wants to be, a jerk(sometimes), loyal.
Species: Human
Description; Jack lives on earth ofcourse, one day Jack met the ghoul demon Shade. Shade being Shade tricked Jack into a deal, making Jack a target for teaming with Shade.
The Ghoul demon;
Name: Shadow(Prefers Shade)
Age: #$!
Pronouns; They/She
Personality; Respectful, has anger issues, not trusteful, sometimes can turn out loyal.
Species; Ghoul Demon
Description; Shade tricks people into deals, that can either make the person die painfully or turn them into on of Shade except weaker. Shade is only loyal to true friends who have earned it, others Shade will watch perish.