Chief's Side
5 years ago

okay so dont know if i could do this so im still going to need some help. the only friends i have are 8 bit mark 101 and iulitm( sorry if spelt your name wrong)



Next up

ow. just stubed my toe and now its bright red. great.just my day

looks like withered freddy wants to be a funtime animatronic

okay so i was looking up shadow man pictures for my speededit and i found this.

so apprantly my friend is actually Annabelle

i dont feel safe anymore

this is my missing poster for 52 days

my worst enemy

im officaly scared now. i looked up shadow man again and this appered. if this is eaxcatly what my friend is then im going to be in trouble

withered freddy's seen some things

you can tell by those eyes


(general withered freddy: i would have put you but had to run an update but ill put you in the next one

reenber the post that said who would you ship me with? well freddy had the most votes. for you people that picked freddy, i want to know why you think id be good with him i mean look at the picture above