6 months ago

Okay so, I was going to make a post showing off my new IC-E Bonus Boss OC, but right before that happened, my friend @KillerFurby pointed out that the new newsletter came out, and... A balloon? Like at a birthday party? AT A PIZZA PLACE?? AND IT'S CYAN?!




Next up

Hey, so sorry for intruding with a non-art post, but I think it's important to inform all the Twitter artists on here that there is now a feature (that doesn't seem to be optional) that will let people generate similar images right under your art posts.

So this was just announced... I swear this is gonna be the new "Rainbow Dash Jar" thing just watch.

More Undertale Gameboy sprites. One thing I keep trying to emulate is that old-school jank that old Gameboy graphics had.

Undertale, but nothing's wrong.

This is not a joke. If you want to play this game, (Idk how you haven't if you're in this community to begin with) NOW is the time to get it.

Been doodling in 16x16 size ratio with only 4 colors allowed. From the top left: @Guest_2653 , my girlfriend @KillerFurby , Charlotte from my friend @Miles_Games ' game Slay-Bells, my OC Cream shake, @BAMTHEFOX , and Pinky, also from my friend @Miles_Games .

I decided to try and revamp some of Mother's sprites, and wow. I forgot how bad Ninten looks in this game. Not even close to his original clay model. Mine are on the right, same color/tile/size restrictions and everything. Still a WIP.

We've created the website!

I misplaced the pupil