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Zak the blue guy
Golden Bunny ( Springbonnie )
artwork of my sona
sprite of the unused Billy character from the original 2020 funhouse
TRTF sprites I have not posted onto gamejolt yet
"Uh, hello? Hello? Uh, hey, good job, Night 5. Uh, keep a close eye on things tonight, okay? A child went missing today." HAPPY 10th ANNIVERSARY TRTF 2
The Thumbnail and Banner for FNAFSTINE 2600 have been found (thank you @Spongebobguy2 )
Elizabeth Afton's drawings that were going to be featured in the cancelled purpleman's funhouse bloodbath game
(Purple Man's Funhouse redrawn) photo of the Purple Man standing over three springlock victims
Grön Takaliken the insane jester experimental artwork (TRTF)