(OLD) New website is here!
(Also new UI video coming soon, and a video that i make an game in it!)
Resource Editor!
this editor allows you to set default images like the power usage and customize it however you want! will be included next update (0.7)
New logo!!
Goofballs 3+3 is 6!!
if x = 5 then what is 10x+50
New UI!
Will also support Linux.
Weekly wheel feature! If you'd like your idea to be added and featured here submit the form! (https://forms.gle/XP72Q3UP6HbDRXoPA)
Linux compatibility!
I cooked.
what do yall think
be honest i really need feedback for this new UI
New UI concepts! Feedback appreciated :3
a button has been added to check if your game has any errors!!