The first event "Family ties"; #Familytiesbinb
The second event is "One more antagonist"; #Onemoreantagonistbinb
The third event is "Zero incident". #Zeroincidentbinb
The first event "Family ties"; #Familytiesbinb
The second event is "One more antagonist"; #Onemoreantagonistbinb
The third event is "Zero incident". #Zeroincidentbinb
"Russian" AU (Part 13)
Russian Federation President V.V.P. (One of the alternative versions)
In the original "Russian" AU V.V.P. human... As it should be...
"After Loss" AU
(The creator of AU: AFK_Meowkith)
"Russian" AU (Part 12)
Golly/Голли (The Earth Golem/Земляной голем)
Nazar/Назар (A student from a paper college/Студент из бумажного колледжа)
Katie version 2 lol
"NightFall" AU
(The creator of AU: sillyghostboi)
"Russian" AU (Part 15)
Кто знает физику, тот поймёт...
"Space school" AU
(The creator of AU: lucsdevof)
"Mystery" AU
(The creator of AU: thnhPhngPh88843)