

Who is Ollie?
She is a soul who was brought into Peiku due to her world falling apart. She over time grew to love living here and has never left since. Later she started dating Saphire, in a sense...
Who is "Mia Oliver"?
This is Ollie's name in Peiku. The reason why she got this name is because the strange machinations of Peiku mistook Ollie for Mia due to how close she resembles her, so it made a sort of "link" between them.
What "link"?
A link that vaguely connects their soul, although very weakly. Hard to explain but just know that Ollie has some shared opinions as Mia.
An ironic thing is that Mia (and Ollie) don't like the cold. Ollie, however, has ice magic... she finds comfort in Saphire's embrace, as his fire magic naturally increases his body heat. [A reason why he handles humidity poorly]
Ollie doesn't like to use her magic, in fear she'll hurt someone. There has been only one instance where she has ever used her magic on purpose, and that's to stop {NAME REMOVED}
from potentially killing Saphire, by peircing them in the...
Recently, Ollie has been acting strange around the time of a new moon... i wonder what's gotten into her...? {Two souls in love, now share the same curse}