I wake upI take a shit
i get out of bed
the door's banging
i don't wanna be here
i go open the door
it's kel
the adventure begins
kel smells graffiti dealt with swiftly
i am not feelin it today
i find trash lady
i turn in my trash for a whole 6 dollarydoos
i pick up more trash, giving me 5 more dollars which i give the hobo
i bought apple juice
I forgot to mention we're doing a grocery run before hero gets home
i spent time at the hardware store to get 30$ so that maybe i get in the groove
i went into hobees for fun and...

...I beat the spaceboy game by spamming the z button

i bought a pet rock and beat kel's pet rock with it with the try and true strat of "paper spam"
i give the guitar guy 5$ as well
i went to do my pizza deliveries and...

you know maybe later
i unwillingly traded my apple juice for orange juice for 2$
I take the fly killer job again

i swear i'm seeing things...

at least i got 20$
and kel got the breb
on our way to Kel's house i bump into Chris, the one who people call a shark, mermaid, and even 'Torpedo"
when in water...
She'll take any seashells i find,
like the one i found last day
Another 2 trash dollars
I challenged a dude to pet rocks and won
I fight another dude in a clash and lost once before winning
I donate a dollar to the smelly hobo
(ngl i kinda forgot where i'm supposed to go)
I helped a lady and so i got a paint brush
looking around aimlessly at this point
Found my way to the cemetery

Oh no.
Kel also told me how Hero went into depression after...

i... need to get back on point...
After a quick reminder from Manly, I got the "Pizza" Order (the thing i forgot about)
After throwing in a coin into the fountain we headed to kel's home
{after an IRL lunch break}
i pet the doggo :D
Also kel's a middle child now
Oh polly/s here.
oh no basil's missing! i wonder where he could be??
I pet the dog for good luck :)
I find Basil (and others) at the hideout we liked to go to
AUBREY (and company) WANNA BATTLE!
Sunny didn't want to fight...
there was no winning the fight
I... don't know what to describe it all felt like a blur...
We bring Basil home,
i give Kel a highfive,
pet the dog again,
The food's gone cold unfortunately but that's what microwaves are for!
(the last time i had a microwave meal i...)
oh well too late! :)
"Hey is the treehouse still there, Sunny?"
[a moment of a death stare before microwave beeps]
We decide to look at the ablum while we-!
Hero's right, Mari's not in any of the remaining photosI wonder why.
after a bit of convincing their mother Hero and Kel will have a sleep over with me!
what's wrong with me

On a quick trip to get flowers to compensate kel's mom, i fed a fish to a cat and got trash 1 whole dollar
pet the dog :>
Hero is exactly a (one) pixel taller than Hero
(but i won't tell him that ;3)
after turning n the flowers we head to my house for the sleepover...
i remember the piano...
As the brothers get blankets i head upstairs to see they made a bed fort.
after a small chat i we went to sleep...
good night
i find myself just out of whitespace, but...
where is everyone?
{I'll stop there...}