The Omoza's book series

2 years ago

Omoza's first book. -In article-

-Chapter 1-

A week after both of the founders (Daniel Miles and Michel Amaral) open up their new pizzeria together they decide to celebrate the succession of the location by making another one. This one would have been a plaza for both parents and children. Unfortunetly, Michel had to cut the progress for a while after he has lost one of his family members "Emily Amaral" due to a car hitting her while she was crossing the street to her school. As Michel is in grief Daniel decides to start up progress again while Michel is recovering because they were making millions of their location.

-Chapter 2-

Two weeks later there was an incident at the Omoza's pizzeria which was caused by a malfunction with *REDACTED* as they ended up accidently biting a child's head off. Unfortunetly Daniel decided to scrap the animatronic and focused much more on the second location. Michel managed to recover a week ago but had said that he needed some rest but as Daniel went to go see progress on the second location which had been named "Omoza's: Fright of doom." This location was originally going to be a horror attraction but ended up being scrapped due to a worker incident after they got the two animatronics sent to their house so they could do some repairs. But they reported that they started to come alive at night and trying to get to him through out his house.

Due to this incident the second location was scrapped but Daniel and Michel started work on a third location which was going to replace the second one. But Michel had a plan, he was going to kill some kids that come to the new third/second location.

-Chapter 3: The final chapter-

As Daniel and Michel open up the new location in 1982 Daniel had to go to his house so he could do some legal stuff for the business and Michel said that he was going to look over the place for him. Michel had to think of a way to lure the children to the back area because nobody was going to trust him if he was without some disguise...Something snapped into Michel's head, he was going to use the old Gimzo springlock suit which was the old character before being replaced with Rixo due to having a complex blueprint design so they had to cut giving it mechanics so they had to turn it into a springlock suit instead.

Michel leaves the back storage room and goes up to the stage and finds some kids that are alone in the arcade room as the parents are sitting at the party tables. Michel lures the kids into the back storage room and then he pulls out a knife and stabs the children so he could avenge his dead daughter. And give those what he went through.

While that was happening one of the parents had realised their child was trying to tell them that an animatronic had taken the other children. The parents didn't believe them but the childs parent did. So they go check on their children but then they realise that they are gone, so before long the police arrive and investigate the place. Before they arrived Michel realised that he had nowhere to hide the bodys so then he decided to stuff them into the "third" locations animatronics as he made his escape.

5 weeks later they couldn't pin point anything related to the killing so they call the case a close and say that it may have just been a kidnapping or something else.



Next up

I've been hard at work and I have finally started to get time to work on the 3rd chapter of URF! Here's a teaser.

Yay! It's coming back soon...

Try hard mode for the first FNAO game... Link:


Rat Race Production Update

Wait...Why do they actually look good?

Maybe being underground with haunted animatronics wasn't the best idea... Link: