One Night at Springtrap's: Advanced Series [On Hold]
8 months ago

[ONaST1: Advanced] v1.0.1


-Added ONaST Collection (Reupload) to "Other Games"

-Rare Screen can now appear during the night screen

-Made the Lockjaw easter egg appear less often

This is just a small update or patch, but yeah.



Next up

ONaST 3: Advanced is real

since, I'm planning on changing this collection... here's another screenshot teaser for the next recode.

Meme for @RowanKoly

Progress on Insanity: Revision 1.5 so far

Weshek RN

Insanity: Revision (1.5) is now in development!

ONaST1: Advanced 2.0 is still coming

#FanArtFriday Made this in SFM btw

yooooo, a custom night for onast?