Hello everybody! it's me once again!
I have some great news I want to tell you guys, I've ported all of the features into the OG version of the game so you guys now have an updated version of both of them, so you can play in both versions and share progress!
This was a tricky task that got me the whole week, but I also managed to fix minor bugs along the way so here's the changelog:
Fixed Plush-Mate's poster staying in one state (DLC)
Fixed the tip on the extras menu dissappearing randomly (DLC & OG)
Fixed the Extras menu out transition (DLC & OG)
Ported all 2.0 features and adjustments (Added a new build called "BETA" which is v1.1.6)
Fixed some bugs with the commands panel when closing it bruptally (DLC + OG)
Fixed some trasnlation issues (DLC + OG)
Adapted some DLC Challenges to the OG (Challenges difficulty, AI's & Names)
Buffed the flashlight battery (DLC & OG)
Reduced Ghostio's spawnrate (DLC & OG)
Minor visual corrrections (DLC & OG)
I hope you guys can keep enjoying the game! If you find new bugs don't bother to report them!