In fact, more than a year. Can’t realy recall this project too much, but it was an exciting experience. I have gotten so much more experience since then. So much, that I could probably make Sonic 3CD in 3 days instead of what originally took me a month. And I’ve learned a lot more about game design.
Think it’s about time I tried a new attempt at it. Unfortunately, ideas are what the problem is. This was based on John’s funny Sonic 2 Video, but there is a lot of holes in it that I had to fill or simply couldnt do. Like how he said there were vines he used to swing from. How? Where do the vines come from? Is that it? Just vines in the air? So I’m probably going have to make the game on my own merits instead.
I’ll probably do something similar to I wanna be the guy (But not as difficult…or dificult at all), as in lots of references. Be some sort of twisted universe where everything that can happen WILL happen. Don’t know when I will get back to this, but I will. I might even try to do this for the Game Jam coming up!