1 day ago

Only true @Glitchmob 's will understand this



Next up

Huh they updated the viruses' poses on the wiki

What do you MEAN I can't comment on my OWN post?!

Four pfps done, seven more to go


One pfp done, ten more to go


Two pfps done, nine more to go


Three pfps down, eight more to go @AdrianoTech

Sorry for taking so long to do these, it's been very busy here for me

Look at this Tatu that I found

Homero Simpson VS Big ol' clown bot K

I might remake in digital

Questions Topic: Modifying Maps

1. You can change the map's layout of Ultimate Custom Night, what would you do to It? (If you wouldn't change it, why?)

2. About the rooms itself, would you add or change anything? (objects, posters, cameos, floor, etc)

Five pfps done, six more to go
