So I finally got around to working on the final boss battle.
I had an idea to stop the player from getting too far away from the boss (the room is 2-3 screens wide and tall so it was possible to run away from him to the other side of the room) by making the boss teleport to near the player.
A quick change to a sprite to give it a nice (for my programmer editing of the art) teleport effect and I was ready to get onto the state machine edits and make the teleport work.
2-3 hours later and it is barely working at all, but persevering with it I finally got it to work properly and the boss now teleports to near the player. The final location of this will most likely need to change (will base it on the current view window so that the boss can appear anywhere within that screen near enough to attack the player).
Next I will aim to get the different attacks working, as I have to add in all of those from the other mini-bosses to make this guy a bit more of a challenge than they are.