Hello everybody! I Recently came across some bugs I had to fix to make the game more enjoyable, but I also used this time and update to include something that was deleted from even the original version! (OG)
First off there's a new look of the entire page, hope you guys like it!
But now, I'll let you guys the changelog so you can read it by yourselves, if you guys however notice and find any bugs on this update let me know and I'll patch them! :]
5 NEW ACHIEVEMENTS! + Achievement Icons rework
NEW NIGHT MODE PREFIXS (There's a new page on the Free-Mode, unlocked by default, that let's you customize even more your gameplay):
○ Blackout mode has been added & Blind mode too
○ You can now choose the time where the night can end
○ You can choose the volume of the soundcues the characters produce
○ You can choose if your cameras should have a limited battery or not
Minor visual improvements:
The intro cutscene dialogue has been fixed and can now be seen without being randomly skipped
Plush-Mate's jumpscare offset
New laptop's screen asset
New flashlight running out of battery animation
Free-Mode, loading figures & extras icons now have the same and consistent palette
New achievement pop-up effect
The carbon-monoxide effet will now fade out instead of turning invisible
The background and music of the Free-mode can now change if you're on the "HARD MODE" challenge
Bug fixes & Adjustments:
Nerfed Arkio's front door sequence
Buffed the power durability (in general) & Dead-Pea's vent sequence
Fixed random softlocks
Fixed some perks being accessible on Endless mode (Faster Hours & Slower Hours)
Fixed Plush-mate being unbeatable with "Faster AI" on
Fixed free-mode menu pages glitching
Fixed "Traitor" & "Bad luck" achievements being unobtainable
"Are you challenging me?" achievement can now be obtained even if you beated the "HARD MODE" challenge with just Darkio's Cast
Fixed minor keybinds bugs (sounds not playing correctly & accessing functions when you're not supossed to)
Fixed the "HARD MODE" challenge not being aviable only for Darkio's Cast
Some soundcues tweaks
That would be all, thanks again for all of the support :]
~ Darkio