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My girlfriend @Dot_Barrett01 is one of the best people I know.
The second season of the anime, oh yeah!!!!! I can't wait to see it, I wish it would come out soon.
School Days HQ OST: "Breaking Myself"
When you want to download a good game, but your phone can't handle it.
My new oc! Or i need to call it my second oc
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I went through this ending again. I'm back with Katsura Kotonoha, but I have a question: ''How?!'' But relationship with Sekai: 139. And relationship with Kotonoha: 150.
Game: "School Days HQ"
Developers: "Overflow".
New profile photo.
Somebody kill me.
Mandatory Cyn drawing because I drink dihydrogen monoxide :3
@ThiagoBrNeo thx