I dont wanna be part of the LBGTQwhatever numbers their adding community anymore. Its just the people that I usually see on like YouTube, Instagram, and other social platforms. They don't like other people's opinions, and they always get very pissed off whenever they get misgendered. It just makes me sad that this is what people think what the community is. Like I saw a video of somebody telling that they need like god in their life (I don't really believe in supernatural but I agreed what that person said to the other person) and the other person was like screaming at the top of ther lungs like their being 🍇ed or something. It just pisses me the fuck off. So by all this, I left the Lettace Bacon Greenlettuce Tuesday Quaterpounder community. If you dislike this opinion. Call 818-695-3644.

11 days ago
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I got tf2 mobile. I'm proud.
Don't call me that.
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Aw dangit
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