5 months ago

Original Character: New Jessica (Fun Times at Homer's 2)

Name: New Jessica

Gender: Female

Height: 3 ft., 6 In.

Weight: 115.7 LB.

Canon? No.

Personality: New Jessica can be mischievous at times, but she very much cares for people deep down inside. She likes to make arts and crafts with the kids in the kids room, and she has the kids help her clean up the mess. When she gets mischievous, she likes to throw paint at people and laugh about it.

Origins: She is an animatronic version of Jessica Lovejoy, made to look like a clown to fit the establishment's theme

Mechanics (If she were in the game): She will start in the kids room and make her way to the office. She will come from either the left or the right door. When she is there, you need to put your mask on to make her leave. When you have the mask on, she will slide in front of you lie New Bart and New Lisa. Failure to fend her off in time will result in a fatal jumpscare.



Next up

Another one bites the dust

Theory: What if the children who left Charlie Emily out in the rain were her old friends who betrayed her?

Illusory Ambition: Phantom Marx

There has been a trend going around where characters wears these so called "Forbidden Pants" and thought hey why not slap those bad boys in these silly goobers


Entity Idea: Follower

I recreated Army Hammer Bro with a new design (Similar to the Koopa General's)

My take on Gold Magnet in PVZ 2: Please let me know: What do you like about this idea, and what would you improve?

Another Grey Guy doodle

meme material