2 years ago




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Bruh no way I actually have the power to delete comments….. probably won’t unless someone says something wretched, but that’s honestly. Crazy. Like some people could just delete stuff they didn’t like. Bruh.

Tomorrow is an important day in American history…pretty scary if you think about it.

Bruh what is up with GJs server... My videos are all contorted and gabooglized.

New Video out now! We played some other weird games. It ain't that serious, just a comedic lets play. So if u into that, check it out.


The Elevator Didn't Do Elevator Stuff

(Coming Soon)

More guitar stuff most people will likely ignore:

I redid an old cover of mine, this is a heavier version of the heaviest song off of metallica's last album: 72 seasons. Just testing my new amp sim and stuff.


Metallica tier list

Bottom is “somewhat salvageable garbage” and includes Lulu. Don’t take garage inc. seriously, I haven’t listened to the whole thing.

The Meat that Should Not Be: Teaser Trailer (Game Page Coming Soon)

SONG: Metallica: The Thing That Should Not Be (Ahdy Khairat Remix) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M6yNOBvX9f8

The Joy of Creation DEMO! (SCARIEST REMAKE EVER!) https://youtu.be/U8Q_Ln-xxNQ

coming soon.....