Mickey Mouse and Sonic The Hedgehog, two of fiction's most famous anthropomorphic characters and the mascot of Disney and Sega. But before those two, their respective companies previously had another mascot, being these two. Despite being replaced, however, these two still have made major appearances in more modern tie-ins (Oswald appearing in the Epic Mickey games and Alex Kidd with his new game that released last year), so it's not like they're completely gone.
3 years ago
Oswald The Lucky Rabbit vs Alex Kidd (Disney vs Sega)
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>Jonochrome uploaded a new video
Oh boy.
Idk anything about Mouthwashing but I like how one of the characters is just straight up Chris McLean
No Steam I don't want to play either of those two last games
Sparky The Dog vs Herobrine (FNAF vs Minecraft)
Twitter is a far-right shithole and Bluesky is boring and mostly a big progressive circlejerk so I'm going back to posting here
Monika Vs. Bendy (BATIM / DDLC)
I love the implication that the blue kid video is somehow disturbing in any way
VS Show Bill Cipher Battle Royale (DEATH BATTLE! vs Cartoon Fight Club vs Crossover Colosseum vs Multiverse Match)
Nightmare blunt rotation