11 months ago

Our protagonist’s of CanibalStalker


Carlton Jenson:

carlton is a 26 year old canibal, he kidnaps and eats people for a living at one point he went to prison but got out early from his sentence because he showed that he had improved and because of good behaviour but this was apart of his plan for revenge he decided to go after the members of the family of his victim and after the second victim met Katie would just happen to be stalking the same person and planning to kill him he fought with Katie and was by her strength and determination and decided to team up with her

he can easily sway Katie into doing what he wants because he has recognised that she has a thing for him and he feeds into it, leading her on and using his charisma to make her fall in love and basically making her is bodyguard, he knows what he’s doing to her and thinks it’s bad but he does it anyway

He’s very intelligent and charismatic towards people especially women often flirting and bringing them home for “things” tieing them to his bed and either strangling them to death or hanging them

Katie Darlin Daleela

katie is a 24 year old stalker, she’s obsessive and gets easily jealous and manipulated by others, she’s very stealthy and vigilant, she often breaks into her victims homes and hides or takes something as a reward and then a couple weeks later kidnaps and kills them setting up the corpses around a table like a tea party in a secret room, one day while breaking into and preparing to kidnap a victim she met carlton and after trying to stop him from killing the victim she was impressed by his skills and strength and teamed up with him

she developed a crush for Carlton and took to her normal habits of stalking him she would do anything for him and would never let someone hurt him because if there was even a scratch on him she wouldn’t resist to kill them where they stand, as mentioned she is easily jealous and when carlton takes women back to his home she watches and waits for the woman to leave and then kills them through various methods stating that no one can have carlton other then her

shes a sweet girl normally but also passive agressive


the way they kill people is that Katie would stalk a target to find out more stuff about them and such even breaking into their homes and carlton would kidnap them they both would torture they’re targets and kill them carlton eats some of the body and Katie keeps the rest he doesn’t want in a secret room in her house setting the corpses up around a table like a tea party

these two both has a history of mental illness at one point Katie was sent rehab by her mother when she was a teen

carlton has psychosis and is a master manipulator

katie has a history of mental breakdowns aswell as being insane and Stockholm syndrome

these two might be a couple but carlton isnt a relationship person and Katie is stupid

katie came from a disturbed background

if this was ever a tv series or something it would be a psychological horror/ horror in general and comedy



Next up

Nicole being a fatass moment

I got bored so I drew this in some of my styles


Here’s my stupid ass son (he’s older then me-)

I love her design so I decided to draw it @JustMiki hope you like

Nicole as Juliet from lollipop chainsaw just so I can draw this joke from the game

loser (reposted from twitter)

Jerry then told Pete-

I took my melatonin

Happy birthday tam!!!


Collab with @gunslinger_axl HALLO AXEL HALLO