Vagrus - The Riven Realms

2 months ago

Our Visit to the 16th Comic Festival of Szeged

The team of Lost Pilgrims was honored to be invited to present at the “16. Szegedi Képregényfesztivál” (the 16th Comic Festival in the town of Szeged, Hungary), an annual con of mostly graphic novels and comic books, but also many other things geeky. And so Gábor and Geri set out and traveled from Budapest to Szeged where things were about to get nerdy.


The festival had a lot of intriguing things to do and see – you could meet and talk to comic book artists, check out the newest stuff from Hungarian publishers, participate in illustration workshops, explore comic books on display, try out all sorts of medieval weaponry, and of course, listen to presentations like ours throughout the day.


Our talk represented video games at the festival and it was focused on how concepts and complex world building gets from mind through design, production of (predominantly) visual art, and iteration to interactive 2D. You can check it out here, though be advised that it is in Hungarian.


We are grateful for the opportunity to talk about Vagrus, its world, and the journey we undertook to get them developed and it was also especially heartwarming to look back on everything that happened in the past seven years. The friendly audience (some of whom stayed to talk to us long after the presentation was over) elevated the experience further, so we consider ourselves very lucky indeed. Who knows – perhaps one day, we’ll get to speak about such things some more. Until then or (more likely) next time, stay vigilant, stay safe, and conquer the wasteland!

– The Lost Pilgrims Team

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Next up

The New and Improved Extras Menu

Dev Update – Stalking the Wasteland

Cartography of the Riven Realms

Dev Update - The Raptors

Creature Artwork – Salamander

DLC Reveal Trailer & Holiday Deals

Dev Update - The Hollow Men

A Review of 2024 and Happy 2025

DLC Location Artwork – Varnurud

Happy Holidays, Everyone