Page 15 of "Silence Means You Agree"
Boris confronts Malice of dragging Haley along, whereas the angel mentions that she plans to not just kill Boris, but scar Haley mentally while doing so. Soon, Haley wakes up, startling both of the toons.
Do Boris and Haley have a plan of escape? If so, how will it play out in the pages that will follow? And will they be reunited with the others?
We shall see when Page Sixteen comes out.
Malice: Well there's no need for that kind of attitude, now is there?
Boris: As if you locking us in here was enough of a nightmare! You had no right to drag Haley into this! She doesn't deserve to be put into this situation! No one does!
Malice: Oh, I know~ *Haley slowly wakes up* The only reason I brought her along was to make her watch as I rip you open...~ *darkly chuckles*
*Haley wakes with a loud yawn, startling both Malice and Boris*
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