As Frederick loaded up the game, with 3 portals to X's world and the real world made now, he noticed that above a locked rusted savefile, a distorted picture with Max with his eyes torn out, and ??? staring at his soul with X's Pupils. Since Knuckles was the only to be chosen, he did what he would've regretted. Played it.
He started in a scrap brain zone area with a dark red sky, continued on to see rust and blood on the ground, before meeting up with Sonic/??? once got to sonic. He heard the words "Lets see what you've got."
With ??? Taunting him, he keeps trying to kill him, being just clones he's killing, but once he fails, he falls to see ??? Infront of him, but he gets up before hearing "You Move, You Lose" "Before ??? moves but disappears, and Frederick moves on, but while Frederick thinks he made it out alive, X comes and Steals the kill. Grabbing him before flying up and burning his face in the red clouds.