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One week on, and the reaction to Blood and Sweatsocks Edition has been super encouraging. Everyone, thank you so much!
Stay tuned for a new content update coming soon :)
These last few months have been pretty unusual.
Since my last posts, I've been working on cleaning up the "pain mode" demo I had started work on over the summer.
After a while it stopped becoming "pain mode" and started being "the next part of the game".
In fact, it seems to have encompassed a "remake" of the existing game as well.
Patch 1.0.3 Changes
Stay tuned as hopefully the next day or so will iron out the rest of the major issues.
Patch 1.0.4 Changes
Looking into a possible alternate file compressing method to fix the music file bugs people are still having.
As always, please let me know if you experience any other bugs or if this uploaded wrong somehow.
Happy 1st anniversary to Blood and Sweatsocks Edition!
2023 was a strange year, and involved many work in progress pitches (some of which are still on the table...), but hopefully we will see more Unbreakable in 2024. Cheers!
Patch 1.0.1 Changes
Also, the game should run without having to install RPG Maker VX Ace RTP now. If it broke, install RTP, open the "Game" config file in the LISA IS DEAD folder and append 'RPGVXAce' to the line that says 'RTP=' until I fix it!
And that's the lot. This version '2.0.0' should be out, hopefully, within 2-3 months.
And it might not be very good, but hopefully, it'll be a fun time!
Long live the spirit of LISA!
Some of the other features planned for the update:
- Jacob can be re-recruited!
- New team attacks for Dolf and Bark!
- Apollo should be less boring!
- Some blocked-off areas being accessible!
- Lots of bug fixes!
Patch 1.0.2 Changes
Folks are still experiencing crashes with the music. I think this has to do with how extracting files can alter the filenames but not sure. If anyone has any insight, I would appreciate it.