4 years ago

Patch # 1.04

Surprise! Coming at you with a new patch of the game (I know, 2.5 years from release). The truth is, my programming skills have improved drastically since I've finished Dusttale, so now I have the programming knowledge to fix a lot of issues I didn't in the past. And, since I just patched out an issue with my original game Color Soul: Memories, I thought this game deserved some love too.

Patch Notes

  • Fixed an issue where in the incredibly rare instance your save data got corrupted, you were unable to play the game, even if you reinstalled it. This was the main reason I created this patch. (So, if you're getting the issue where the title screen brings you to a black screen and you can't play, download this, and it will automatically fix the game for you. Note: you will have to restart the game.)

  • Fixed the issue with player collision where if you ran into walls and corners the player started vibrating violently and sometimes got stuck temporarily. Collision is smooth as butter now.

  • The player no longer has to exit a doorway completely to reenter it and use it again.

  • Fixed the issue where sometimes the game would lose your input upon interacting with an object, resulting in a failed interaction attempt.

  • A prompt telling the player to "Press Z" in the intro cutscene will appear if the player does not start going through the dialogue. Added this to fix the confusion I was seeing with this cutscene.

  • Changed the more options bind key in the main menu to "K" to avoid confusion of whether to press the letter O key or the number 0 key.

  • The player can now press Z after saving to close the save menu.

  • Fixed a couple graphical glitches in the intro cutscene, the main menu, the battle UI, the Ruins, and in Snowdin.

  • Fixed misc. small glitches.

So yeah, that's what I've changed. As you can see, this patch is more a "quality of life" patch than anything, and thus there isn't any new content from before. However, if you ARE in the middle of playing, or EVER want to play again in the future, I highly recommend downloading this patch. While the game can still be a little rough around the edges, considering how long ago I programmed it, trust me, the experience is better overall. As always though, if you have any issues be sure to report them!

And since we're here, I thought I'd give a little update on the 9-page webcomic I announced for Dusttale's two-year anniversary. I know it's been a while. First things first, yes, it is still coming. But, as you guys know, especially with the year 2020 was, life gets in the way sometimes. And honestly, I probably announced the project way prematurely. (I'm excited for it, what can I say? XD) While I can't say exactly when it will come out, I can say I think you guys will really like it when it does. The artist I commissioned is working REALLY hard on it, and from what I've seen so far, the final product will be of incredible quality. Plus, it will add just a little more to the my universe's canon, so I hope you guys will enjoy that short comic when it comes out. Anyway, that's all I have for today, thanks for reading if you made it this far, and God bless!

Evan Streblow




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