Fixes an issue where any non-challenge Custom Night preset sends you to the minigames afterwards
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@ByTheHour By The Hour Night 4 has released! The theme of this one was "Sci-Fi" - so everything here is FUTURISTIC! Or, well, something along that line...
The game (finally) now has a new header!
We take our work very seriously.
Most of the time, anyway.
It’s a Christmas miracle!
"BY THE HOUR" Night 2 has dropped - the theme this time around, was "So Retro"... so we're going back to the good old days of debatably-questionable quality games about one-off OCs, obscure secondary characters getting attention, and more within this one!
Happy Holidays from all of us on The Banana Splits: Serial Silliness Development Team!
It seems that pesky parasite changed the plans! Instead of Charlie Cat Plushies... It's plushies of your best PAL! This can't be good...
Pal Percy Plushies (with 3 swappable faces!) are out now for 3 WEEKS ONLY! Get them here:
Did you know there's only ~9 days left to buy a plushie of your best PAL, Pal? (Or more accurately, the Pal Percy Plushie!)
If you didn't, well, there's still time to get one before it's too late!:
Christmas Update + More