Apologies for the sudden update! This MIGHT be one of the last major updates I do for now, only because with all of this new stuff in-game, I am generally content with the game as it stands right now. Should there be any issues though, please let me know!
- Added a new setting: Additional Cues! When enabled, this gives some new visual aids to characters with audio-focused mechanics (such as TamaBruti). Thank you to @GlitchyGlitched for helping me with this one!
- You can now see Pal as just the Pal Percy in the Characters tab in the Bonuses, with a new render to suffice
- Made the Yellow and Green eyes on Farmer Felix more distinct/brighter. They should be clearer now, and not bleed together
- Improved Farmer Felix's animation when switching colors if Aggressive AIs is enabled
- Improved the Colorblind Mode visuals on Puzzling Power. They should no longer look very... crappy, to put it lightly
- Improved the Freeplay menu so some strings/times aren't "flickering" when hovering over them
- Improved some of the text formatting on the "Tutorial" part of the Pal Boss
- Fixed a minor oversight with the time-saving functions in Puzzling Power
- Fixed a bug where the characters in the Environments tab will still remain when flicking between the different rooms. This should no longer happen
- Refined the Jumpscares tab a little. The animations should no longer appear to "clip" outside of the border
- Refined the visuals for the Boss Game Over - Pal now has his eyes (as he rightfully should)!
- Refined how the timer/ranks in both the Main campaign and in Freeplay Mode work/function. It should cooperate way better than it did previously
- Fixed a sudden major issue where the Pal dialogue in both the Charge 4 cutscene, the 100% cutscene, and the shader used for the Playful Poodles/Poodle Pals in Custom Hour were missing. They have been fixed
Changes in V1.8.2:
- Added a previously unused sound for Pal for when you win the game performed in his Cup Attack
- Optimized how Poodle Pal Tat played his sound cues for when appearing in certain rooms
- Fixed an audio-related bug with TamaRoachi. The sound that they play when crawling out of the ceiling hole should now always play accordingly and without fail
- Fixed a small issue relating to Pal's Cup Attack and reaching the "Final Charge" sequence at the same time
- Fixed a tickbox's position in the Custom Hour menu
Changes in V1.8.3
- Updated Helios' Yellow Crafts sprite
- Fixed a bug where if you clicked "Replay Campaign" when it says "Completed!", the game would take you to the 100% Secret Cutscene
- Fixed a minor issue where playing Friday/Pal Boss would start the timer with 2 minutes instead of 3 minutes
- Fixed a minor issue where going into the Tutorial of the main game, exiting, and entering anywhere else would enable the "Tutorial" section of that level
Changes in V1.8.4
- Using the F11 key now toggles Fullscreen anywhere in the game, mostly for ease of access
- The Game Over screen now displays how close you were to completing the level you were just on. Sorry in advance
- You can now no longer use the Pal-Boy/Carts/Door during the final 10 seconds of the Pal Boss (mostly because I've been meaning to make it like this for a while)
- Improved how the blur/text looks when selecting a level in the Freeplay Menu so the text is easier to read
- Improved how the game stores your "Bonus" for completing a level - The bonus is only consumed if you enter a level that isn't in Freeplay, Custom Hour, or Endless Mode
- Improved the text in the Freeplay Menu - you can now see the individual level names now
- Updated the icon for Percy Poodle in the Custom Hour menu
- Updated the Freeplay mentions of "Pal Boss" to say "Friday Morning" now for consistency
- Updated the default sprite for Farmer Felix in Farmer's Serenade to fix the shadows being cut off
- Updated the sprites for Playful Poodle 2 (Tat) to have a consistent nose (after like, forever)
- Fixed a minor bug with Charlie Cat's/Pal's icon in the "Environments" tab in the Bonuses menu
- Fixed a minor bug where the music for the "Shift Completed" scene(s) would still play the music for 1 second if the "Music" setting was turned off
- Fixed a minor bug where Poodle Pal 1 (Tim) would still linger around during the final 10 seconds of the Pal Boss. He should go away now as provided
- Fixed a minor bug where the tip text for Charge 4 could appear earlier (notably during the Pal Charge 3 to 4 Cutscene) than it was meant to (due to FPS)
- Fixed a bug where getting a jumpscare anywhere caused the time to reset, resulting in better ranks being obtained without them being legit
- Fixed a bug where if Farmer Felix made the power go out, and the Pal Percy was in its "anger" state, it would continue to beep
- Fixed a bug where if Playful Poodle 2 (Tat) cut the power to the Pal Percy, and the Pal Percy was in its "anger" state, it would continue to beep
- Fixed a bug where dying to the timer in the Collect micro-game in Puzzling Power wouldn't reset correctly, forcing a soft lock if the same game were to appear again
- Fixed a bug where dying to the timer in the Solve micro-game in Puzzling Power wouldn't reset correctly, allowing it to be completed way earlier
- Fixed a bug where if a Playful Poodle took a part of Farmer Felix in Farmer's Serenade, the part would take a bit to correctly disappear
- Possibly fixed a bug where sometimes the tips in the Main Nights can appear twice in a rapid-manner
- Possibly fixed a bug in the Main Game where sometimes the stinger sound for Charlie Cat & Mother Moose wouldn't play when they appeared in the vents
- Possibly fixed any remaining errors with the "Efficient Worker" trophy not being able to be obtained - I've revamped how the game checks this to make sure
- Fixed the remaining grammar errors left in-game
Changes in V1.8.5
- Added a set of brand-new Game Over quotes if you die on Friday Morning in any instance
- Updated/Changed a few of the Main Game Game Over quotes
- Updated a contributor portrait seen in the "Contributors" section of the Bonuses
- Updated the blinking red dot seen on the Pal-Boy in both the Main Game and Friday Morning
- Fixed a bug where hitting "Return" on any Custom Hour level didn't bring you back to the Custom Hour menu(s)
- Fixed a bug where the "exiting" system tampered with the times/rank system when it never was meant to, this should (hopefully) now be the last of any rank-related bugs/issues
- Fixed some slight text formatting errors throughout the game
- Fixed a minor text bug with the Game Over text for Puzzling Power and Farmer's Serenade
- Removed an accidental debug key left in the Farmer's Serenade level
Changes in V1.8.6
- Added a new modifier for the Main Game Custom Hour - Perma-Pal! Perma-Pal is a modifier that makes it so that if the Pal Percy ever beeps at you ONCE, the Pal Percy is gone for the entire night.
- Replaced 2 advertisements that can appear in Auction Automation
- Changed some of the names that can appear in Auction Automation
- Changed the jumpscare when you die to the time in Friday Morning - to give it a little more attention TamaLanki now kills you instead of just Pal
- Updated some of the Game Over tips to be more clear/have less grammar-errors
- Updated the hitbox of the Checkpoints/Perma-Pal modifiers in Custom Hour
- Updated the Credits one final time
- Fixed a bug where in the Repairing Percy Cutscene the "Flip-Switches" task could randomly soft-lock - this should no longer happen
- Fixed a bug where Charlie Cat/Mother Moose could be stalled for basically the whole night due to an oversight in their AIs that relate to the Pal Percy/Pal-Boy
- Fixed a bug where Mother Moose on Aggressive AIs would kill you much quicker than Charlie Cat due to an error in her timer
- Fixed a bug where Percy Poodle would kill you before his "Door Opening" animation finished playing when Aggressive AIs were on
- Fixed a bug where Mother Moose's "Kill Counter" would still count when flashing her in Retro Hijinks, leading to an unfair death if you did it last second
- Fixed some text spacing errors throughout the game
- Fixed some visual errors in Auction Automation
- Fixed some of the audio overlapping each other in Retro Hijinks
- Fixed a very, very small visual error in the final parts of The Credits cutscene
- Fixed some minor grammar errors left in-game
- Fixed a few Game Over tips being formatted weirdly
- Fixed a very minor visual bug where Pal would still be visible on the cams in the Pal Boss if his AI was set to 0
- Fixed a very minor visual bug where the score on the E.M.Pal was SLIGHTLY off-center
- Fixed a few of the Game Over blurbs
- Made it so if you die in the Pal Boss, the game now displays how many Charges you were at when you died
Changes in 1.8.7
- Updated Truman's model seen in-game - all of the assets that use this model have been redone accordingly as well
- Fixed a bug where clicking very fast in between the various Bonuses menus would cause some of them to break
- Fixed a minor bug with Rowen Rat's Jumpscare in the Jumpscares section of the Bonuses
- Fixed a few grammar issues that remained
- Fixed a bug where if you were to posistion it just right, you could actually "escape" the Maze Escape task in the Pal Boss
- Fixed a minor bug where Truman's jumpscare in the Jumpscares section of the Bonuses menu was actually slightly slower than the one seen in-game
- Fixed a minor oversight with Truman's locked icon in the Jumpscares section of the Bonuses menu
- Updated the Credits
- Fixed a bug where starting Friday Morning in the intended way would cause Pal to disappear due to a small oversight
- Improved the hitboxes on the Maze Escape task in the Pal Boss