Five Night At F***boy's Nightmare Edition: Final Mix
2 years ago

Patch 5 is here!

here is some new stuff that i have been making for the past month, there is some bugs that i didn't know and @Foxy_boy_X2 found all the bugs that i didn't know and fixed them already, but here i added more features, so here is the features:

  • Changed the mechanics of Boss Rush, Battle with ???, The Final Battle.

  • Reworked Boss Rush

  • Added Limit for Speedrun Mode.

  • Added New enemy in the boss rush.

  • Added battlebacks to nightmare

  • Added a missing word to N. Fredbear's when joining a party

  • This New Enemy has the same mechanics as Dream B.B. and Dream Cameras.

  • Fixed Some Dark Ball Event Happened to Speedrun Mode.

  • Fixed Tile in the kitchen.

  • Fixed N. Chica Silence State in Foxy the god of yiffing Battle.

  • Fixed Sprites in the parent's room.

  • Fixed Level Checked that is checking in standard it checks your level if its above 20 then enemy receive enemy's buff critical and proud and standard same thing and now it checks on level above 20 and it give enemy buff and the same thing to other difficulty.

  • Fixed the Speedrun Mode on the fight of living room flashlight it removes your states.

  • Fixed the cupcake doesn't give you bonus, and now it gives you.

  • Fixed a bug in proud and critical mode which you fight plushtrap or nightmare it gives you the wrong states.

Thank you

-KSA (dev)



Next up

Act 2 Development #1

Official Render of My fnaf character since 2015 aka my pfp

0.9 Beta ver. - Progress 1

So if you encounter something kinda like this, well you gotta skip the intro, bc it has the fnaf animatronic at the door, so yeah I’m gonna release a patch 1 for 2.1.3, and tell me more about this error

Hey guys, Premeire test funni video

69 Minutes!?!??!?!??!?!!??!?!?!?!??

2.1 Error

0.7 Beta Update Progress + Act 0 Development Update

Gamejolt is mention in caseoh stream !!!!!!!!

Bro is about to kill me.

Imagine if this happened / Road to Release 1.0Ver. - Progress 2