alpha a1.4.2
Gems now need to be collectable before sparx can collect them - prevents gems congealing around spyro after being released from a container 06/04/2018
Added WIP text to icicle shard sprite 06/04/2018
(Maybe) Fixed bug with collision (mask) after death - mask index is now correctly reset after death 06/04/2018
Edited containers code so that containers using arrays are now properly destroyed when shot with AK-47 06/04/2018
Changed leeks level design regarding partial platforms and moving platform - can no longer move into wall 05/04/2018
Fixed bug where Spyro triggers secret areas when dead 04/04/2018
Changed default viewport settings to prevent incorrect aspect ratio when non-fullscreeen mode is active 04/04/2018
Fixed bug with ‘not crystalfissure’ - now no longer spawns multiple platforms when talked to 04/04/018