+ Can now skip both credits sequences. (Not pacifist)
+ Added new character memory dialogue for all main characters.
+ Added discounts to Undernet.
+ Soulbot can now quick tag. (Exit only)
* Reworked the final pacifist boss' fatal recovery system.
* Fixed rare Dynamic Music bug where combat music didn't stop.
* Dynamic Music System should now prioritize the right music when two conflicting music swap calls happen for any odd reason.
* Soulbot's responsiveness has been improved slightly.
* Fixed the Partner sometimes spawning inside walls.
* Monsters are forced to wait and will no longer attack when the player is currently in the middle of cutscenes and most sequences such as tagging, which would sometimes crash the game.
This patch turned out more than intended with the addition of some new dialogue for the new Second Wind memory, so now it's an update in my eyes.
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