4 years ago


Build 25 - The Sing Sang Song Build

* The Wastes and The Dunes can now each be played at Adventure Mode Level 7

New Cards
* 5 new monsters
* 8 new events
* 1 new boss
* Concrete Block (Salvage) - grants 30 Scrap when used at camp, or can be brought back to the Havilah
* Disruptive Bit

A new keyword called Disrupt has been added to the game. Disrupting a monster causes it to immediately advance to the next action on its card. For example, if you use Disrupt on the Behemoth when it is prepared to heal this turn, it will change its prepared action to injure.

A new keyword called Flip has been added to the game. Flip causes a card to flip to the other side! What’s back there? Who knows!

A new status called Silence has been added to the game. Silence prevents characters from using ability cards. Silence can stack, and one stack is removed per turn. For example, if a monster applies Silence[2] to Lena, it means that Lena cannot use abilities for her next two turns. Other monsters can continue to apply Silence to Lena to extend the status’s lifetime.

A new status called Panic has been added to the game. Panic prevents characters from ending their turn until they have used all of their draws. Panic is not removed until a character returns to camp (for clarity, it is specifically not removed if the character stays Out After Dark).

The Tunnels
A new zone has been added to the game! The Tunnels is a level 7 zone that is technically playable as soon as you beat the Dunes, but practically will knock you on your ass if you try. Explore an undercity that Scavs have called home for years, only something is stirring beneath the ground. Whatever it is, even the locals are spooked. The Tunnels includes 3 new story event cards in story mode, and 5 new cards in its adventure mode pool (in addition to some familiar cards). Additionally, the Tunnels offers a new salvage type, Concrete Block. There aren’t currently any uses for Concrete Block, but we thought you’d like some heavy souvenirs to carry back skyside.

Bug Fixes & Misc.
* The woefully out-of-date “Help” menu has been disabled
* Nail Storm: Fixed an issue where Lena would give the wrong dialogue for this event card
* Moon Boots’ effect now only trigger if the party has at least 1 draw remaining; text on the card has been updated accordingly
* Mechanical Monsters can no longer be mashed away from camp
* Fixed icons listed on tooltips for the Mech Masher
* Augments are now displayed in the Catalog screen
* Targeting monsters in combat now respects layering. This means that hovering over monsters in combat now shows the correct monster’s keywords, and that using cards that target a specific monster (e.g. Launch Grenade, Uppercut) targets the correct monster.
* Pressure Plates no longer kill themselves with their heal action
* Fixed the text display on the Summon keyword
* Disconnects now kick you back to the title screen instead of showing a navy blue screen. The game may still behave badly if you try to do things without an internet connection. If you’re kicked out of a game and see a window about disconnecting, please make sure you check your internet connection before trying to do other things (like buying cards, joining a new game, etc.)
* Equipping +2 augments alongside a +1 augment no longer crashes the game at loading screen
* Andrea leveling achievements that require her to draw scrap now also gain credit from drawing salvage; the amount credited is the scrap equivalent of the salvage card
* The leveling requirement “Kill the Behemoth” for each character can now be completed in Adventure Mode
* Crown rewards have been greatly increased for the remainder of the Kickstarter
* XP rewards have been greatly increased for the remainder of the Kickstarter



Next up

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