Hello enragement children!
I’ve been hard at work on The Walking Dong since the last patch, and this next one is gonna be a huge one. To save some time, I’ll make a short list of what the patch will contain:
New Battle Backgrounds for various areas of the map
Better BGM For the Destroyed City
Improved Zombie Battle Music
Night-ish tint for the destroyed city to improve asthetics
Improved fix on the bug where pinwheel music plays during zombie fights
better zombie drops
Also, I wanted to tell you all about a new closed beta I’m offering to the public. I’m going to allow six players to beta test the game past the limited demo. To be part of the action is a great thing, and you get these perks;
Early Access to the game no other players will get
A mention in the credits of the game
A special Beta-tester only password. What’s it for? You’ll find out.
A chance to have your ideas put into the game
To sign up for the closed beta, please send an email titled “Closed Beta Signup” to [email protected], providing within the reason you’d like to be a closed beta tester and at least two ways other than email I can contact you. Kik works best and is the easiest way for me to stay in contact with my beta testers.
Any spam email will be ignored, and any emails that are not for closed beta will most likely be deleted.
Thank you for all the support guys!