It Is Coming
7 months ago

Patch V1.1.0 | The Randomizer Update

Things have been pretty quiet on planet Camebox, till someone decided it'd be fun to change things up and subject us to a randomizer nightmare. Now what terrible things will we have to endure today?

Added: The Randomizer Map. It will select a random map, atmosphere, weather, enemy and difficulty. Can be played on both Arcade and Endless mode!
Added: Five new bonus enemies that you can purchase after you've completed certain objectives/trophies
Added: Hint text that displays when hovering over locked enemy cosmetics
Changed: Removed a wall that was causing AI issues on Seaside Trouble
Fixed: Flimbo will now only move/jump when chasing the player, preventing him from getting stuck in hard to reach places/running away from the player for seemingly no reason
Fixed: A bug where the endless scores weren't saving on the Halls of Knowledge and Lonely Souls maps
Fixed: A bug where endless mode wasn't spawning extra AI correctly on endless mode for the Halls of Knowledge and Lonely Souls maps

I hope you enjoy this mini content update! Good luck and have fun.

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My favorite retro game has gotta be Zombies Ate My Neighbors, the SEGA Genesis version to be exact. It's always been a big inspiration for me. The classic monsters and ghouls, the average kid using impromptu weapons, it's so good!


Have you 100%ed Strange Terror From The Deep's new update yet?

My Game of the Year would go to the Silent Hill 2 Remake, personally! Really upset it won nothing during the Game Awards tho. Still grumbling about it.


Gamejolt asks what retro game would I like to see remade.

Very unlikely, but A Nightmare on Elm Street for the NES being remade would be so GOOD. I know a lot of people talk smack about this game, but I loved it.


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