So. I was once a Hetalian. And as we know, once a Hetalian, always one. I am not saying that I am back in the fandom, but I was reading my old fanfic and decided to re-work it, cause damn, is it problematic! And besides problematic, it's also a trauma fic.
What is a trauma fic?
Well, a trauma fic in my opinion is when you have a traumatic event, or a really unhealthy situation, that could use improve, but your current situation does not let it to change. So you decide to write about it in a story.
For me this was my 3rd Hetalia fic (yes, I wrote more). And damn, it includes heavy topics.
In the rewrite I am working on minimalizing the trauma factor, but still keeping in some topics, that cannot be taken out, cause if I think really hard about it, it's important to me to say the words of younger me who needed help, but couldn't get, or didn't know they needed.
If you are interested in it, here is the link, one of my friend's is actually the one who posts it, cause we cool like that.
I think you can read it as a guest. You don't need an account.
I am tired. I should probably sleep. But then who will work on the rewrite? I missed work today, cause I was so darn sleepy.