Pikachu: Hey Spinout, wanna go on a double date with JW and Sonic?
Spinout: Sure!
Pikachu: We can prank them too!
Spinout: Really? What prank?
Pikachu: *whispers the prank to Spinout*
Spinout: *Nods and giggles*
@JW123455: Hey! What are you guys whispering and giggling about?
Spinout: Oh nothing~
JW123455: Ookayyy....
Spinout: Oh uh by the way, Pikachu invited us to go on a double date with her and Sonic!
JW123455: Sounds cool! I'm in.
~Time Skip~
Sonic: Where's Pikachu? She said she will arrived by now...
???: Sonic?
Sonic: Oh JW123455! Hey!
JW123455: Hey Sonic! Your girlfriend said that we're on a double date?
Sonic: Yeah! Where's Pikachu and Spinout anyway?
JW123455: Spinout said that she will be here soon.
Sonic: Let's wait then.
Pikachu: Did you get those guys together?
Spinout: Yep!
Pikachu: Hehehe...prank on action!
Tails: *in his mind* I can't believe i'm doing this...
Pikachu: Tails! You're ready?
Tails: *out loud* Huh? Oh yep!
Spinout: Alright! Order is served!
Tails: *Walks to Sonic and JW123455 table with a spaghetti* Here's your order!
Sonic: Thanks! Ta-
Tails: Bye bye! *Runs away*
Sonic: I swear I saw Tails...
JW123455: Hey um, is it just one?
Sonic: Yeah sadly. They said only a spaghetti left. Nothing more.
JW123455: Oh um cool I guess. I think we could dig in first?
Sonic: Yep you're right.
*The both of them then started eating. Without realizing, the both of them are getting closer*
Pikachu and Spinout: *Comes out of nowhere* SHIP!! *Tooks pictures*
JW123455: WHAT?!?! *Spits out the spaghetti*
Sonic: IT'S A PRANK?!
Pikachu: AND YOU GUYS FELL FOR IT! *Laughs with Spinout*
JW123455 and Sonic: YOU GUYS ASKED FOR IT! COME HERE!! *Chases Pikachu and Spinout*
Tails: Looks like my job here is done.
Eggman: *Rides his EggMobile while looking around and saw a black figure* Aha! I finally found you, you darn hedgehog!
@DAIG-BRO65 : *Turns around and saw Eggman* WHAT DID YOU JUST CALL ME
Eggman: N-no w-wait p-ple-! AHHHHHH!!!!
News reporter: Now let's go to the reports! The villian scientist, Dr.Eggman was founded murdured! Detectives and the police are still searching the killer.
Sonic: I wonder who murdured Eggman...
Dai Goro: YOU'RE WELCOME! *Sat that proudly*
Sonic: O.o *backs away*
News reporter: And our main suspect is SONIC THE HEDGEHOG!
Sonic: Damn you-
Shadow: NO. I AM!
Sanicmrio: NO ME!
Shadow: I AM I AM THE BEST SHOOTER!! *Starts shooting everywhere*
Sanicmrio: WE'LL SEE ABOUT THAT!! *Starts shooting everywhere too*
~ A few minutes later~
Shadow: I'm running out of bullets.
Samicmrio: Me too. Let's have a drink.
*They then walked to town and stopped at a coffee place. Weegee then came runnng to them*
Weegee: Guys! Have you heard?! Alot of mobians were killed! There were bullets on their bodies!
Sanicmrio: *sips drink* No idea.
Moonlight: See you soon, Rio! *Kisses Riolu on the cheek*
Riolu (@TheMelster125): *Blushes* Y-yeah..s-see you soon, Moonlight. *watches Monnlight walk inside her house*
Scrouge: *Stand beside Rio* Man, your girlfriend is sweet.
Riolu: Where did you come from- I meant, how about your girlfriend?
Scrouge: *Thinks about Anti (OC)* Ohh...I don't think I should tell you-
Shield (@8-bitEclipse's OC): You know my brother, Spike?
Knuckles: Other than Spike the dragon from My Little Pony then nope.
Spike (@8-bitEclipse): AM I A JOKE TO YOU-
@lucariosunday : *walks inside* A HEART SO TRUE OUR COURAGE WILL PULL US THROUGH!
Pikachu: YOU TEACH ME AND I TEACH YOU. POKE-AHHHH!!! *Realizes Sunday is in the same room*
Sunday: You sung the wrong lyrics-
@Son1cgam3r1: So you can draw anything and it will come to life?
@an_random_guy__-celso-: Yep. *draws a cookie and it comes to life*
Sara: Nice! Can you give me a cat?
Celso: Sorry but no.
Sara: Why?
Celso: Because that cat will kill me-
@Pordaskontia : *playing Tower Of Hel* (Sorry I can't say the H E double L word) ALMOST THERE!
Pikachu: *Sneaks behind Pordaskontia* Hey pal, watcha playing?
Pordaskontia: GAH! *Fell down on the nearly end* ......
Pikachu: Um..are you o-okay?
Pordaskontia: I'M GONNA KILL YOU!!!
*Spinout and Pikachu decided to do a challenge that they will swap clothes*
Spinout (@JW123455's OC): Sweet! JW, what do you think? *Twirls around in Pikachu's jacket*
@JW123455: *blushes*
Pikachu: U-uh..what do you think, Sonic?
Sonic: *Looks at Pikachu and smirks* Hot~
Pikachu: *Tooks out her shoe and threw it at Sonic*
Sonic: OuCh
tHaT hUrT
Nitro (@Pico 's OC): *Kisses Amy's forehead*
Sonic: *Hiding behind a tree and took a picture* >:)
Pikachu: You got it?
Sonic: Yus. *Shows the picture*
Pikachu; Good boy. *Gives him a chilli dog*
~Later that night (At Pico's house)~
Pico: Hm? Sonic sent me a photo? I wonder what is it-
*Looks at the picture*
. . . .
@sanicmrio : *Eyes twitching*
Pikachu: Uh, you okay?
Sanicmrio: *gives Pikachu the phone* I told you ships are invented in He**.
Pikachu: *Looks at the Sonamy fanarts* Sweet mother of chaos-
Me: *Eyes twitching*
@epicthemurder: *Looks at the phone* You're jealous aren't you..
Me: No..
Me: My ship is ruined-
Artic and Pikachu: *Chatting*
Pikachu: That reminds me. I'm sorry if this question offense you. How's Spike with the kids?
Artic (@8-bitEclipse): Oh he's an amazing father! How's Sonic and you? I heard you two are getting married soon.
Pikachu: He got beaten up by loads of little kids so..yea.
Artic: I'm sorry but what-
@DAIG-BRO65 and @an_random_guy__-celso-: *Playing Phoenix Wright*
Tails: *Comes out of nowhere* OBJECTION!
Dai Goro: HOLY-
Tails: >:) *Steals @PuggyNich's donut*
Puggy: Huh TAILS COME BACK HERE *Summons his pug army* ATTACK!!
Infinite: The world sends me a trembling child...
(Insert your name here): EXCUSE ME *Shoots him*
Infinite: *Random grunting noises*
(Y/N): Oh stop with your Star Wars reference-
@PuggyNich: We will get revenge for the fox..
Tails: Hey guys!
Puggy: ABOARD ABOARD THE FOX HAVE FOUND US! *Crashes out of the window with his pug army*
Tails: NANI-
@JW123455, @DAIG-BRO65 and @PuggyNich: *Steals Pikachu's chocolates*
@epicthemurder: *Looks at them* Seriously, what are you guys doing?
Pikachu: *Heard the noises* BOYS COME HERE!!!
*They are chased by Pikachu outside*
@lucariosunday : Time for some brownies. *Thinks about his brownies while walking to the kitchen*
*Sunday arrived at the kitchen*
Sunday: Heyy..WHERE'S MY LIMITED EDITION BROWNIES?!?! *Saw a guy and a cat running out of the house* CELSO SARA COME BACK HERE!!
@sanicmrio : *Turns around and tooks out his bazooka* You were saying?
Eggman: WAIT-
News reporter: Dr Eggman was found DEAD again! And someone have a picture of the kiler! *Shows the picture*
Sonic: He looks farmilliar-
News reporter: And our main suspect is our own hero, SONIC THE HEDGEHOG!
(Insert name here): Hey Tails, what are you doing?
Tails: Oh! I'm doing a rocket. Do you want to help me, (Name)?
(Name): Sure!
*They then worked on the small rocket. (Name) then accidentally hitted the launch button*
(Name): u-uh Tails?
Tails: RUN!!!
Rocket: Launching in 3...2...1..!
Orbot: Dr Eggman, Sir we detected something coming in our way!
Cubot: And it's biggg!
Eggman: Ughh..that darn hedgehog-

What do you think happened to Eggman? he's pretty dead to me XD. By the way, here are the peoples in here.
Artic (@8-bitEclipse)
Weegee (@Sanicmrio )
Moonlight (@TheMelster125)
Pikachu (My OC)
Kyle (My OC)
Insert your name here :3
Thanks so much for joining this randomness! Do you want me to make more? Tell me in the poll and comments! See ya next time.
Peace out!