5 years ago

Pikachu and Friends

Pikachu: Hey Spinout, wanna go on a double date with JW and Sonic?

Spinout: Sure!

Pikachu: We can prank them too!

Spinout: Really? What prank?

Pikachu: *whispers the prank to Spinout*

Spinout: *Nods and giggles*

@JW123455: Hey! What are you guys whispering and giggling about?

Spinout: Oh nothing~

JW123455: Ookayyy....

Spinout: Oh uh by the way, Pikachu invited us to go on a double date with her and Sonic!

JW123455: Sounds cool! I'm in.

~Time Skip~

Sonic: Where's Pikachu? She said she will arrived by now...

???: Sonic?

Sonic: Oh JW123455! Hey!

JW123455: Hey Sonic! Your girlfriend said that we're on a double date?

Sonic: Yeah! Where's Pikachu and Spinout anyway?

JW123455: Spinout said that she will be here soon.

Sonic: Let's wait then.


Pikachu: Did you get those guys together?

Spinout: Yep!

Pikachu: Hehehe...prank on action!

Tails: *in his mind* I can't believe i'm doing this...

Pikachu: Tails! You're ready?

Tails: *out loud* Huh? Oh yep!

Spinout: Alright! Order is served!

Tails: *Walks to Sonic and JW123455 table with a spaghetti* Here's your order!

Sonic: Thanks! Ta-

Tails: Bye bye! *Runs away*

Sonic: I swear I saw Tails...

JW123455: Hey um, is it just one?

Sonic: Yeah sadly. They said only a spaghetti left. Nothing more.

JW123455: Oh um cool I guess. I think we could dig in first?

Sonic: Yep you're right.

*The both of them then started eating. Without realizing, the both of them are getting closer*

Pikachu and Spinout: *Comes out of nowhere* SHIP!! *Tooks pictures*

JW123455: WHAT?!?! *Spits out the spaghetti*

Sonic: IT'S A PRANK?!

Pikachu: AND YOU GUYS FELL FOR IT! *Laughs with Spinout*

JW123455 and Sonic: YOU GUYS ASKED FOR IT! COME HERE!! *Chases Pikachu and Spinout*

Tails: Looks like my job here is done.

Eggman: *Rides his EggMobile while looking around and saw a black figure* Aha! I finally found you, you darn hedgehog!

@DAIG-BRO65 : *Turns around and saw Eggman* WHAT DID YOU JUST CALL ME

Eggman: N-no w-wait p-ple-! AHHHHHH!!!!


News reporter: Now let's go to the reports! The villian scientist, Dr.Eggman was founded murdured! Detectives and the police are still searching the killer.

Sonic: I wonder who murdured Eggman...

Dai Goro: YOU'RE WELCOME! *Sat that proudly*

Sonic: O.o *backs away*

News reporter: And our main suspect is SONIC THE HEDGEHOG!

Sonic: Damn you-


Shadow: NO. I AM!

Sanicmrio: NO ME!

Shadow: I AM I AM THE BEST SHOOTER!! *Starts shooting everywhere*

Sanicmrio: WE'LL SEE ABOUT THAT!! *Starts shooting everywhere too*

~ A few minutes later~

Shadow: I'm running out of bullets.

Samicmrio: Me too. Let's have a drink.

*They then walked to town and stopped at a coffee place. Weegee then came runnng to them*

Weegee: Guys! Have you heard?! Alot of mobians were killed! There were bullets on their bodies!

Sanicmrio: *sips drink* No idea.

Moonlight: See you soon, Rio! *Kisses Riolu on the cheek*

Riolu (@TheMelster125): *Blushes* Y-yeah..s-see you soon, Moonlight. *watches Monnlight walk inside her house*

Scrouge: *Stand beside Rio* Man, your girlfriend is sweet.

Riolu: Where did you come from- I meant, how about your girlfriend?

Scrouge: *Thinks about Anti (OC)* Ohh...I don't think I should tell you-

Shield (@8-bitEclipse's OC): You know my brother, Spike?

Knuckles: Other than Spike the dragon from My Little Pony then nope.

Spike (@8-bitEclipse): AM I A JOKE TO YOU-


@lucariosunday : *walks inside* A HEART SO TRUE OUR COURAGE WILL PULL US THROUGH!

Pikachu: YOU TEACH ME AND I TEACH YOU. POKE-AHHHH!!! *Realizes Sunday is in the same room*

Sunday: You sung the wrong lyrics-

@Son1cgam3r1: So you can draw anything and it will come to life?

@an_random_guy__-celso-: Yep. *draws a cookie and it comes to life*

Sara: Nice! Can you give me a cat?

Celso: Sorry but no.

Sara: Why?

Celso: Because that cat will kill me-

@Pordaskontia : *playing Tower Of Hel* (Sorry I can't say the H E double L word) ALMOST THERE!

Pikachu: *Sneaks behind Pordaskontia* Hey pal, watcha playing?

Pordaskontia: GAH! *Fell down on the nearly end* ......

Pikachu: Um..are you o-okay?

Pordaskontia: I'M GONNA KILL YOU!!!

*Spinout and Pikachu decided to do a challenge that they will swap clothes*

Spinout (@JW123455's OC): Sweet! JW, what do you think? *Twirls around in Pikachu's jacket*

@JW123455: *blushes*

Pikachu: U-uh..what do you think, Sonic?

Sonic: *Looks at Pikachu and smirks* Hot~

Pikachu: *Tooks out her shoe and threw it at Sonic*

Sonic: OuCh

tHaT hUrT

Nitro (@Pico 's OC): *Kisses Amy's forehead*

Sonic: *Hiding behind a tree and took a picture* >:)

Pikachu: You got it?

Sonic: Yus. *Shows the picture*

Pikachu; Good boy. *Gives him a chilli dog*

~Later that night (At Pico's house)~

Pico: Hm? Sonic sent me a photo? I wonder what is it-

*Looks at the picture*

. . . .


@sanicmrio : *Eyes twitching*

Pikachu: Uh, you okay?

Sanicmrio: *gives Pikachu the phone* I told you ships are invented in He**.

Pikachu: *Looks at the Sonamy fanarts* Sweet mother of chaos-

Me: *Eyes twitching*

@epicthemurder: *Looks at the phone* You're jealous aren't you..

Me: No..

Me: My ship is ruined-

Artic and Pikachu: *Chatting*

Pikachu: That reminds me. I'm sorry if this question offense you. How's Spike with the kids?

Artic (@8-bitEclipse): Oh he's an amazing father! How's Sonic and you? I heard you two are getting married soon.

Pikachu: He got beaten up by loads of little kids so..yea.

Artic: I'm sorry but what-

@DAIG-BRO65 and @an_random_guy__-celso-: *Playing Phoenix Wright*

Tails: *Comes out of nowhere* OBJECTION!

Dai Goro: HOLY-

Tails: >:) *Steals @PuggyNich's donut*

Puggy: Huh TAILS COME BACK HERE *Summons his pug army* ATTACK!!


Infinite: The world sends me a trembling child...

(Insert your name here): EXCUSE ME *Shoots him*

Infinite: *Random grunting noises*


(Y/N): Oh stop with your Star Wars reference-

@PuggyNich: We will get revenge for the fox..

Tails: Hey guys!

Puggy: ABOARD ABOARD THE FOX HAVE FOUND US! *Crashes out of the window with his pug army*

Tails: NANI-

@JW123455, @DAIG-BRO65 and @PuggyNich: *Steals Pikachu's chocolates*

@epicthemurder: *Looks at them* Seriously, what are you guys doing?


Pikachu: *Heard the noises* BOYS COME HERE!!!


*They are chased by Pikachu outside*


@lucariosunday : Time for some brownies. *Thinks about his brownies while walking to the kitchen*

*Sunday arrived at the kitchen*

Sunday: Heyy..WHERE'S MY LIMITED EDITION BROWNIES?!?! *Saw a guy and a cat running out of the house* CELSO SARA COME BACK HERE!!


@sanicmrio : *Turns around and tooks out his bazooka* You were saying?

Eggman: WAIT-


News reporter: Dr Eggman was found DEAD again! And someone have a picture of the kiler! *Shows the picture*

Sonic: He looks farmilliar-

News reporter: And our main suspect is our own hero, SONIC THE HEDGEHOG!


(Insert name here): Hey Tails, what are you doing?

Tails: Oh! I'm doing a rocket. Do you want to help me, (Name)?

(Name): Sure!

*They then worked on the small rocket. (Name) then accidentally hitted the launch button*

(Name): u-uh Tails?

Tails: RUN!!!

Rocket: Launching in 3...2...1..!

Orbot: Dr Eggman, Sir we detected something coming in our way!

Cubot: And it's biggg!

Eggman: Ughh..that darn hedgehog-

What do you think happened to Eggman? he's pretty dead to me XD. By the way, here are the peoples in here.












Artic (@8-bitEclipse)

Weegee (@Sanicmrio )

Moonlight (@TheMelster125)


Pikachu (My OC)






Kyle (My OC)

Insert your name here :3

Thanks so much for joining this randomness! Do you want me to make more? Tell me in the poll and comments! See ya next time.

Peace out!

  23 votes Voting finished



Next up

Working on something my younger self would love to have! :)

“Indahnya sungguh di hari Raya”

Late Raya art trade with @Al_creativelylazy !! Really sorry for doing my part late -

I literally whipped up the bg from Google

A little confession is that I had to trace the wolves but I drew the others on my own 🙏🙏

Crystal The Hedgehog - @PikachuTheHedgehog

“You turn on the light”

(They’re Pikachu and Nebula if u can’t tell)

Nebula The Hedgehog - @PikachuTheHedgehog


its been awhile since i drew her

also its her first time in sonic x style :D

Something unfinished for #WorldArtDay

Me and @PikachuTheHedgehog has made another name for William Afton!


I’m obsessed

Also I just noticed I haven’t drew Pika in awhile so here’s her comeback