mam makaron zupę o smaku spaghetti i jadłam to😋, Fioletowy kapcie Corpse Bride bo i mi się pasuje, mam Orbit guma do żucia ze smakiem arbuzowe i już mam sernik kokosowy po wydaniu w lodówce.
Zapomniałam opowie na was byłam do szkole porysowałam o postaci z FNAF i styl Lyka Villarin było opublikowano wideo "Vincent Becomes A Were-Rabbit (Springtrap)" i zaliczono.
Bo jestem Wielkim fanem o Lyka Villarin w YouTube. ;)
I have spaghetti flavored pasta soup and I ate that😋, Purple Corpse Bride slippers because they suit me too, I have Orbit chewing gum with watermelon flavor and I already have coconut cheesecake after release in the fridge.
I forgot to tell you, I was in school and drew about the character from FNAF and the style of Lyka Villarin was published a video "Vincent Becomes A Were-Rabbit (Springtrap) and it was credited.
Because i'm Big fan of Lyka Villarin on YouTube. ;)