PvZ 1.5: Back In Planria
9 months ago

Plans for at least 10 worlds.

Day: Nothing special. Also mushrooms can’t be planted during day but you unlock them next world.


Night: Sun doesn’t fall any more, you have to rely on sun producers.


Pool: Day: Has water you have to place lily pads on so you can’t plant plants there.


Fog: Pool: Night: Pool but night and with fog you can clear out with a few plants.


Roof: Day: Due to the shape of the roof you have to use catapult plants to get up. Also you have to place flower pots (and now water pots) on the roof to plant.


Rain: Roof: Night: It is now night on the roof and it’s raining. The rain turns your flower pots into water pots and deactivates your fire plants unless you use umbrella leaf (or a new one maybe) to stop it. (Maybe I’ll add a new umbrella or something like that).


Underwater: Day: It is now under your pool. You have to use certain plants so your plants Luke breathe down there. You can place all water plan there.



Next up

Brain Zombie-

It has its brain sticking out, but it still has the health of a cone head. It throws brains at you doing damage to you and the zombie.

started making the ndc map

uploading the nightime plains level code soon



Gives the plant it’s placed on a 10% boost in all stats, and when a zombie gets near the Cloud will go over the plant, defending it.

Snow Peas will now be unlocked very late into the game, in the ice world.

To make up for that I’m gonna give it a big Damage buff.

he forgot 2 put on his pumpkin

i could do that move 3 steps dont rotate turn 90 degrees move -4 steps if touching wall stuff but i dont think they can get in spots like this

earl reminds me of a sesame street character idk which one

im gonna vector them later or just remember how 2 draw normally

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I also got more ideas still.

So many gimmicks for one house.