New levels!
I remake old levels:
The Darkest Place in Bedroom:
I accidently deleted level 2 (or The Darkest Place in Bedroom)so I created a new level! Whole level is completely changed! Same theme but includes more fun and more features. Level’s name is changed to “The Battle Of Liberty”
The Great Bedroom War:
I remaked this level.Added new features on this map. Now you have better fight arround Teddy bear. And level’s name is changed to “The Great Fall Of Teddy”
Now you can crouch with “Left CTRL”. You can better cover your self from enemies
Automatic reload added to the game
Now you can see your guns and switch between 1 and 2
M4A1 running bug fixed
Now there is a background music while in combat. For now music only plays in combat
When your health decrease too low, an heart beat sound effect plays and background music volume is fading
Motion blur effect increased!
While aiming with any gun , new vignetting effect applying on camera
Now enemies have sight!
Snipers added to the game! They are aiming and shooting to closest enemy in sight.But most of the snipers deals huge damage and knockback effect.But you can see a laser that shows sniper’s target
Now enemies are not directly shooting at you.Instead of enemies are shooting last position that player in sight
Now enemies are stops while shooting
Now ai waiting if there is no enemy in sight
AI improved
Graphic option bug fixed
Legos are changed! New legos is better for performance
Now legos are colorful! Some of the lego’s color is changing
Now there are 4 lego types! Lego1 smallest, Lego2 Small size , Lego 3 Middle Size , Lego 4 Wall Size
Legos have normal map now! You can see roughness if you get too close
New decay! In level 2 you can see blood as decor on floor