Hey guys, I just released a playable build on itch.
I decided to share what I have so far and I'll start uploading new versions to itch as I implement new features. I'm working on this in my little spare time and development will be slow so you guys might as well get to play it as it evolves xD
I might wait until version 1.0 to upload the game here for those of you who want to wait until the game is actually good :P.
Current State
So like I mentioned in previous posts the game is pretty basic at the moment with basic mechanics, and every action results in a fade to black screen.
Currently the only things you can do are, work for money, learn skills and new topics, create games based on the skills/topics you learn and publish the game.
Next Updates (currently working on these)
Fixing the small bugs that are currently in the game and making the gameplay smoother.
Improve on the create/publish game system (fixing the amount of money you get etc and making it more complex).
Improve the UI.
Job minigames (You actually have to go to the workplace and complete tasks there to finish the working day)
Future Updates (plans for foreseeable future)
Saving & Loading
New Features such as fans, competing indie devs, more complex system for creating games etc.
Minigames to replace the fade to black screens after interactions.
I do have more plans but we'll get to that further in development :D
I hope you guys like what you see so far. If you have any questions/ feedback or ideas let me know!
Thanks for reading <3