7 years ago
Playlist update!
…just updated the youtube playlist [ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EIU08eDloVc&list=PL04Mi7IKwRVGQioI7vduH-lDBdKj-fSZO&index=1 ]
As mentioned earlier: be the first one who plays in HARD mode! (it’s possible)
Next up
Trailer! Watch it! Now!
Release! Get a free copy! Fast! And exchange your phone wallpaper!
Always trouble... …with those Cyclopes
New teaser poster...
Tokyo drift
Kill Commando II released!
Don't hesitate and get a copy of the sequel!
Rollin'.... rollin'... rollin' on a river
Mount Logan! Other bands play…
E1M1 magazine review!
Version 1.0.7 has been released!!!!