I finally figured out what the issue was that was causing the game to close at seemingly random times. I checked MV's console, and as you can see in the screenshots it was a plugin that was not coded properly, which was registering as "false". It would keep doing this until the game ran out of memory and closed. I checked this with the task manager and the game's memory usage would slowly climb while the plugin was on, but remain steady when the plugin was turned off. If the issues persists now then i don't know what in the world the cause could be.
So please download version 1.0.2 and import your save file into it to avoid issues.
How to import save files: Go into the "www" folder of the old version and copy the "save" folder, then go into the "www" folder of the new version and paste the save folder there.
I'm really sorry this was in the game a launch. It only happened rarely, but it was still annoying and i should have done better : (
Update 1.1 is still coming January 4th. Currently there are about 50 trophies and the bonus menu will also be added.
Sorry about this hectic launch, please enjoy the game!