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I was streaming on Discord for a bit, was able to fill some rooms with wires, and make the P&S room prototype. Not as much as I would like to do, but it is something!
Here is W.I.P. for the P&S:
This is something so far. I need to start working on it properly. I really want it to sound good, and be my first proper piece of music. Yes it is a cover, but still.
Original by YonKaGor btw Artificial Abandonment.
The Return to Bloody Nights VR OST- Casual Trumpets Theme (wip)
Bonnie in the Closet Room attempt 2, still WIP but we are pretty much done wit this place. Next is Kitchen, the last camera to make.
You're Just Like Pop Music!
Tetra art :3 Another YonKaGor draw thing x3
One Night at Freddy Fazbear's - New Camera "Entrance" WIP
I fucking hate Twitter... Why do I keep posting here...