Poemutashi X or Tashi X is a ghastly being whose power is to turn constellations into energy. No one knows how she came to be but she’s believed her existence has been at least when human civilization was present. Her first appearance in Dokuko Project was in Oriental Infenro in Symposia.
7 months ago
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Revealed Character Cast ~ Lunatic Arena
~§ Bios Soon.. §~
Satori Sisters
/ Koishi Komeiji & Satori Komeiji \
Okuu - Utsuho Reiuji
Happy Halloween ~ 🎃
And 2 pages of mini-studies finished!
I'm pretty proud of them and I really feel like I've improved. I'm preparing some more to make later when I'll have more time :)
_\ Bios of The Warriors /_ § Lunatic Arena §
~| Daughter of the Divine Dragon. |~
Zetsuboushi Akumako
FULL ~ LUNATIC ARENA ~ — Something I Found Became New… —
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