Hi everyone! ! Time for a new update. A few weeks ago we showed you how the trading interface has evolved lately. Not everything in the game is built and then left there until release. Some things need to be iterated, while others are implemented in a very basic version until we deal with tasks with higher priority.
That’s what happened with our characters. We designed the whole cast and moved on to other things even if most of those characters still were in a pretty rough state. So today’s update is to show you how some designs evolved from their early stages to more definitive ones.

Here’s Wallace Zimmer, current mayor of the city. He is a busy man, but he’ll probably try to arrange a meeting with you as soon as you arrive. He cares for all the respectable citizens that keep the city going and since you are to become a trader, you’ll be on his radar. Needless to say, he’s a very important person around here, so you might want to get on well with him.

This is Lloyd Kingston, manager of one of the shops in the city, to be more specific, the one that is in between the port and the area where most factories are located. If he isn’t already running a scam you’ll probably find him trying to come up with new ways to get money out of the people from the poor quarter. Careful with him, he might get you on one of his illegal business. But that’s not all, he hides a dark secret though, if we are being honest, that could be said about every person in this city.

Lastly, we have Julliet Allen, whose family name should ring a few bells by now. She lives in the Allen mansion along with Dana Allen and spends most of her time there but, as we already said in a previous update, she loves her weekly walks around the park. That’s one thing she wouldn’t miss. After all she has been through, Juliet will be more reticent than other citizens, but if you give her time, she might end up sharing her story with you.
And that’s all for today! We’ll be back in two weeks, remember to join our Discord to hang out with the dev team and the rest of the community!