7 months ago

POPGOES Arcade 2: Fazbear World: The Whitebun Review

It's been over 30 years since Freddy's shut down. The incidents that happened there, from the murders, the Springlock failures, and the bite, became nothing but a forgotten memory, barely clinging to life. This is where you come in, to bring this attraction to life, trying your hardest to get anything that might've survived. At first, there were a hat, a box, an old Marionette, and some arcade machines. Until you found one a real one.

The place is gonna open in a few days. You have to make sure everything is going exactly according to plan. What better way to beta test that new arcade machine made to celebrate the company's hystory What could possibly go wrong?


The first Popgoes Arcade was very, very bad. It sucked dick. It was a top 30 worst fnaf fangames of all time. I don't think even Kane likes it. Phil fucking hates it, though, that's for certain. I didn't know this till I checked the Popgoes wiki. But the game was LITERALLY in development for only 2 weeks.

All I'm gonna say is, that explains a lot. It explains a fuck lot.

But whatever. Popgoes Arcade 2 time.


ZAMN! If that ain't a glowup, I don't know what is! We went from everything being made out of cheap Chinese plastic, to actual good looking renders. Anyway, here's the menu!


For some reason, the ost in the game is really, really good. Like genuinely, it's so good.

We hit New Game and spawn here.


We can move around with wasd, interact with Space, and check our stats with pressing e. First of all, who the hell are we even playing as?

Well, that's jj from fnaf 2. Yeah, she looks basically nothing like her official design.

Official jj best fnaf render ever.


Popgoes jj.


So why don't they look like each other at all?

Well, when designing her for Popgoes, the team only took this single shot of jj, and it didn't have the propeller hat.


So they ended up making her a fishing girl, 'cause why not? It's a really good design. I kinda wish it was the official one. Wait, is jj even real? Eh, whatever.

We walk for a bit until we meet the man himself: Freddy Fuckboy.


Freddy gives us some much needed explanation for everything. This part of the map is known as Freddy Forest. Once we beat this place, we unlock everywhere else.

The leaders of each place have gotten very sick, and the smart people think it's because of their lord, the puppet.

Everyone's a pussy and doesn't wanna go talk to the puppet, I guess she's that scary.

Freddy asks us to get the legendary Freddy mask. When we get it, we can talk to the other Freddies--same with the other masks.

We need to go beat the shit out of the Freddy King, quite literally. Freddy's explaining, and decides to do a training battle with us.


The game's a lot more in depth now. We can now defend, get buffs, and more items. We and the enemies can even do a critical attack now.

Freddy's pretty pathetic. We kick his ass and hand it back to him.

Freddy gives us 40 coins and lets us explore the place. We find bb, who's the shop guy. We can upgrade our stuff by giving him the monies.


We get past a rock and find Toy Freddy. We gotta kick his ass, too.


He's again pretty piss easy, and gives us 20 coins for beating him.

Also, the only way we can save is by interacting with these gift boxes.


If we go to the left side of bb's shop, we'll find Golden Freddy.


Golden Freddy is one of four "cameo" animatronics, who basically act as mini bosses, which makes him harder compared to the others, but we still beat him, and get 20 coins.

I should also mention that the games main enemies are phantoms.


The phantoms are pretty pathetic. They have a higher chance of appearing near the key area.


We get the key from here and get ready to face off against the Freddy King.


I love the fact his fat head is covering the thing on the top--that's funny. He's pretty easy if you've upgraded enough.

We beat him, and he gives us the Freddy mask.


Now, we can go to all the other places. First, the Freddy mask.

While wearing a mask, if you talk to someone that's related to it, they'll give you some questions, which are a really cool idea. A lot of them are pretty easy. Here's an example.


Obviously, it was Fredbear's.

After that, we're free to go. I ended up going to Foxy's coast 'cause yarr


Foxy's easy and gives us 60 coins.

If we go down, we'll find Toy Foxy.


She's pretty easy, and gives us 20 coins.

There are a lot more battles, but I'll just skip them since they're not important. In the next room, we have one of my personal favorite characters, Cody the Coyote.


He's another one of the cameo characters, meaning he's much harder than the others.

Fun fact: canonically, Cody and Foxy are cousins, despite their species differences. Also, he gives us 80 coins.

We don't get the Foxy key, but do get the Chica key, so let's go to that area, I guess.


Chica welcomes us to the Chica meadows before we kill her and turn her into kfc. She only gives us 20 coins, so yeah, that bitch deserved it.

And then we meet my favorite character ever: Librarian Freddy.


beating him allows us to use the freddy mask on him again for another question


Ok, so literally everyone would say purple, but nope: It's brown. Why? In Popgoes, only fnaf 1, 2, and 3 are canon, and the only time we see Fredbear in those games, he's wearing brown clothes


So in popgoes, both Fredbear and Springbonnie have brown clothes, too.


After beating some unimportant bitches like Toy Chica and Librarian Foxy, we find Owen the Owl, the third cameo animatronic.


then we get to the second boss queen chica


We get the Chica mask and get to answer everyone's questions. None of them are really all that interesting, so let's just go to Bonnie's area.


As always, we talk to the main guy, kick his ass, and move on.

Oh, who's tha-


...........................This bitch needs to be destroyed NOW.

Wandering around some more leads us to the final cameo character: Lilly the Lamb.


After that, we get the Foxy key and beat the hell out of King Bonnie.



(note this image ain't by me it's from this guy https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=FhQshw2WnZo)


this stupid bitch is called glitch bonnie


His entire gimmick is that he can appear in any room you enter and show you a rare screen. It closes the game afterwards.

I really don't think I have to explain why this is an awful mechanic. Also, I lost a shit ton of progress because of this fucker, and there's really only two things you can say about him.



Sigh, I ended up redoing around 10 minutes of progress again time for more questions.


i love how much of a bitch toy bonnie is


I mean, come on, we know the answer. It's 4 adnriu.

We go back to Foxy coast, defeat King Foxy, and get the final mask.


Asking Cody a question is uh...very interesting...


The correct answer is Freddy Forest.

Alright, now we can go to the Puppet's lair which is inside a goddamn button, of course it is


we go through a maze area till we reach her


she tries to act all tough and then the fight begins


She has a unique mechanic when she attacks one of the icons of the masks will flash, and you have to wear that mask to not get a lot of damage. In this fight, you MUST have buffs and at least one or two cakes.

we still kick her ass and win

and YAY it's done!


....come on, we all know there's a secret ending. How do we get it

First secret wall gasp


then gasp grape freddy


He gives us Shadow Freddy mask and now we gotta go on a Bendy and the Ink Machine chapter 3 fetch quest to get cupcakes.


We find the cupcakes in their place and continue.

SOMETHING starts talking to us, clearly not part of the game.

You were there for them, weren't you? The rumours of a purple man. Hiding in the shadows... Just waiting to catch his next helpless victim.
Some said it was a monster. Some said it was the company trying to cover up some fatal malfunctions. And some said it was real; A man doing it all for some sick pleasure.
Well, I never gained pleasure from it. I didn't care. I just needed what only they had. So I took it from them.

we put the final cupcake in and continue


Do I regret the pain I've caused? Some of it. But you can't say the results don't speak for themselves. Look at me. Do you see what I've turned into?
In the end... I was right.

after this a rabbit thing starts chasing jj really fast


and then we get killed by the one and only simon fitzgerald


reopening the game leads us to this screen of SOMETHING tied to a wall with news articles


too bad the forest got cancelled oh well final verdict time

final verdict

I mean, it's ok. It's 100% better than the first game there's a lot more interesting stuff, new lore, and Springy. Though it felt like there could still be a lot, and I mean a lot more done. 6/10 cya on the flipside.



Next up

please for the love of god WE NEED GOOD TRTF 4 GAMES WE NEED THEM NOW

something MIGHT come out today (IT DID)

NEVER doing this shit again hell naw


and the award for the worst ui goes to fnaf control z!


Happy 10th Anniversary of TRTF2!

honestly from what i played this has a LOT of potential to be something actually good

dnaf tomorrow

Rat Race Production Update

oh mah gawd