Official POPGOES Arcade Promo Art by StupidButterfly
Hey everyone,
POPGOES Arcade 1.2.0 is now available to download. This is an update for the normal, free version of the game. It includes quality of life improvements, new features, and bug fixes. It does not include new playable content.
We worked on this in preparation for the upcoming paid-for Premium expansion, as part of the Fazbear Fanverse. We'll get on with programming that soon!
"Focus" - Press Z to zoom into the arcade's monitor. Press Z again to zoom out. Focus will automatically toggle off during cutscenes.
Intelligent Spawning - Enemies will now spawn more often if you haven't encountered any in a while.
Dialogue Skip - If you rematch the final boss in the same playthrough, he won't talk at all. Exit and Continue to experience his dialogue again.
The size of the game has been minimised from roughly 220mb to around 100mb.
Engine has been upgraded from Clickteam Fusion 2.5 to Clickteam Fusion 2.5+. DirectX 9 has been upgraded to DirectX 11 in the process.
Loading the game should be about twice as fast as the previous builds.
All cutscenes should now run without lag on most computers.
Updated the game title (from POPGOES Arcade 2020 Edition to POPGOES Arcade).
Red the Robin is now Holly the Robin.
Includes updated name, sprite, and shop UI.
Updated the game's icons.
New lighting for the Arcade Room and the cabinet.
Updated cutscenes:
Completely reanimated "100% ending" outro.
Added special effects to secret ending.
Updated intro, pause, outro, and credits text with new fonts, logos and information.
Updated some in-game UI elements.
Updated loading screen.
Updated dialogue in the "secret route".
Fixed multiple hitbox issues.
Boulder sprite has been fixed.
Inconsistent "3" sprites have been fixed.
Maximum coin amount is now 995. Was originally 999, which previously permanently desynchronised the currency's otherwise consistent multiples of 5.
The well shouldn't mention coins after interacting with it once now.
Fixed a rare bug where Holly (Red) would say nothing in her dialogue box.
Chica now uses Jump on her third move, rather than after attacking three times.
Fixed a glitch where BB's music would continue playing, or mute all of the music, after interacting with him in the overworld.
Fixed sprite misalignment in the final boss fight.
Though Red the Robin is now called Holly the Robin, some NPCs still refer to her as Red.The intro screen doesn't mention the zoom function, but it should!
(BOTH FIXED IN 1.2.1!)
Thanks for reading and for playing POPGOES Arcade! Let us know if you run into any bugs and we'll see what we can do.
~ Kane and the POPGOES team