Hey everyone,
Another quiet week in terms of development, some members of the team have kind of disappeared, so I'm working with what I've got. Definitely SOME cool updates but not as many, but I can't do much about that this time. Let's start with the fanart though:
Fanart Showcase:

by FireFoop - (Source)

by T.D - (Source)

by Shadow Toy Chica - (Source)

by raptorfurby - (Source)
Top Supporters (last 30 days):
@Ketchup_Boi - 46 charged stickers
@Slitherjump - 45 charged stickers
@HF_Games - 43 charged stickers
Thank you everyone for placing charged stickers on my posts!
POPGOES Evergreen:
As previously mentioned, there has been a bit of a slow patch in development due to some members of the team quite literally disappearing. Not sure what has happened - but this isn't too uncommon. Hopefully they come back and we can continue where we left off.
In the meantime, I'll give you some written updates:
The Simon model that Alexis is working on is about 75% done from what I've seen. It's looking great, very similar to what we had originally for him and very faithful to Sian's concept art. This isn't something I'll be able to show off, but I'll continue to keep you guys posted on it.
Since Odium is now finished with the middle stage for False Mangle, he's working on modifying the endoskeleton model to fit the casing shapes of the other animatronics. This isn't a high priority task but it means we can make some cool promotional artwork (or merch like posters maybe?) with some higher fidelity versions of the character models.
We're waiting on some updates from Clickteam (the company) before continuing with the Arcade ports. In the meantime Emil has been helping with the trading card pack model, which we are almost finished with now.
Speaking of the card pack artwork, we have settled on a plan for the "Mystery Single" packs and Ellie / StupidButterfly has begun working on new artwork for them. Each Mystery Single pack will have a dedicated colour, and a design featuring one of the characters that might be inside. Here's a brand new look at the trading card pack model/texture, and the Mystery Single pack for the Toy set:

We're not 100% finished with this - we're going to add some imperfections to the model and vary the dirt overlay a bit. But it's close. It's likely that Emil will work on an animation for this soon as well, but I have a feeling that it'd be best to save showing that off until the next Dawko charity livestream. Something interactive is always nice.
Unfortunately nothing else to show off for the game today; I'm really hoping some of those core members return soon so we can continue working on the bulk of the game properly.

The Popgoes the Weasel and Candy the Cat Hex plushies are now available to pre-order!
Popgoes the Weasel Hex Plushie
This wave is being called "Wave A" in Hex's "Parts & Service" collection. Canon FNAF characters will continue increasing numerically in Waves 1, 2, 3... but the Fanverse has its own set increasing alphabetically. Meaning a Wave B will happen eventually!
These plushies are available to pre-order right now, for $55 each, and they will be shipping in about two months. I have a Popgoes Hex plushie myself and it's pretty incredible. The material is soft but firm, the magnets are strong, the proportions are perfect, and the whole thing is HUGE. If you already own a Hex plushie you know what I mean. But this thing is like 3x the size of a Funko plushie. His head alone could be sold as a complete product.
Oh and congrats to Sian / Turntail on making another piece of awesome FNAF artwork this week:

If you're a fan of Popgoes and/or Candy, this is a fantastic opportunity to support the games and the Fanverse as a whole. This is a really cool milestone for us and a new really high quality product for the FNAF franchise!

24 days ago I released a collection of 7 mockup images of my ideas for Game Jolt. You can check that out here.
A day later, I showed off 7 more mockup images of even more ideas I had for the site, which you can see here. One of these new ideas was an option for developers to re-organise the games on their "Your Games" page/playlist, which looked like this in my mockup:

Well, guess what?!

That's right, Game Jolt actually added my idea (with a super similar demonstration image) and announced it today, here!
How cool is that? I hope they continue adding the stuff I suggested. I've already taken advantage of this new feature and plenty others are happy with it as well. Thanks @gamejolt !
Last thing I'll mention is that Emil and I are in the middle of organising an event with Game Jolt which may happen soon, not sure yet. Otherwise, I have nothing else to talk about. Go buy a Fanverse Hex plushie!
- Kane